Fee breakdown
Learn detailed information about each product, from design to manufacturing and beyond.
Portfolio management
Track and access near real-time information about your investible jewelry assets, monitoring the price of gold per gram and multiplied to represent your current assets.
Guaranteed buy back
With TOMI, you can always sell back your gold through your client account. Receive a sell back quote based on the current value of your gold product, guaranteed.
Each part of a unique TOMI piece begins with high-quality materials, pure 24k gold that’s responsibly sourced to ensure value and ethical practices.
Our expert designers and jewelers produce one-of-a-kind, unique creations manufactured to perfection, and then delivered directly to your hands.
Learn more about our process.
Do you have a custom piece you want TOMI to make? Submit custom orders for pendants, chains, or bracelets and let’s make it happen.